Along this journey towards a minimalism lifestyle, it seems increasingly important to almost separate your wants from your needs. That is, to decide what we truly need to live our lives. For some that's the bare basics; a roof over your head, food and water, company, clothing and basic essentials for 'living'. Whilst that's perfectly okay to strip your life down to the bare bones and live with what is only truly necessary, it's also okay to live with things that you want as well as need.
Take me for example; in my journey towards minimalism I have made every effort to get rid of the things I don't need. The stack of DVD's I never played, the numerous clothes that I just didn't love and hundreds of other items and 'stuff' from my life. However, I have material wants that I don't need but I enjoy. For me that's what it comes down to; Do I enjoy this item? Does it add value to my life? Do I use it?
So, items like candles - I don't need them, sure, but I do enjoy them and I sure as hell love sitting down to read a book and relaxing with a softly scented candle burning in the background. Is it necessary? No. Does it add value? Yes. The same applies to other items such as perfume, makeup, and clothing. They are not necessary in large amounts, but that doesn't mean I need to get rid of them all. Choosing the items I truly do love and enjoy using/wearing is the important thing here. That way, you can shed the clutter but still enjoy the things that bring you pleasure. For me, minimalism isn't about deprivation or throwing absolutely every material posession out of the window. It's about choosing items that you love and use, choosing quality over quantity and surrounding yourself with 'things' that add value to your life rather than clutter your life.