Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Following on from days 10-19 of #minsgame (see previous post) it's time to document the last 11 days of this rather invigorating challenge from January. As usual, the aim is to throw away a certain amount of items each day and it definitely became more difficult as the month progressed. I can now say after completing one round of the mins game, it's both easy and difficult to part with posessions. The words 'just in case' crept up all too frequently, but the phrase 'does this add value to my life?' remained prominent. So here it goes: 

day 20 - sixteen bath products and four leaflets 

day 21 - fourteen dvd series and seven single dvds 

day 22 - two storage boxes (no longer filled with junk) two candles, six books, one old diary and eleven greeting cards 

day 23 - fifteen plastic wallets, two catalogues  and six pens 

day 24 - twenty four useless paper documents shoved in a box 

day 25 - one magazine rack, twenty four desktop folders 

day 26 - fifteen packs of old/empty medication (seriously, why?) and eleven pencils 

day 27 - twenty seven video files on my computer  (mostly of the back of people's heads)

day 28 - twenty five product packaging (I really should throw them out sooner) and three candles 

day 29 - four purses, six books and nineteen hair elastics 

day 30 - thirty physical photos that were doubles/backs of heads/blurry 

day 31 - eleven necklaces, three bracelets, five rings and twelve bottles of spray/perfumes/lotions 

So, a grand total of 496 items. 

Wow, four hundred and ninety six items that are no longer in my living space. If you're looking for a quick fix of immediate clutter, then by all means give the minsgame a go. Be prepared to be ruthless and begin to scan your surroundings for junk that can be let go from your life and space. 

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