Sunday, 10 May 2015

Note to self: must decide between consumerism and minimalism

It's been a while since my last update, honestly I feel like I've lost my 'minimalist mojo' somewhere along the way in the last 2 months or so. There's been a lot of change in my day to day routines with a new job and a new schedule. Already I find myself accumulating 'stuff', unnecessary stuff that has no meaning and has instantly cluttered my mind and space.

A new job has bought the intense feeling of 'needing' new things. I use the term 'need' loosely of course, I realistically do not need any more items of clothing and I could of course make do with the pieces I have. The extra income has lead to a little bit of purchasing for the sake of it, which I'm trying to curb too.

So what am I going to do? Over the next few weeks I'm going to sift through all of my clothing which is currently 6 drawers, 1 rail and a washing basket full and try to eliminate the pieces I don't wear because I don't like/they don't fit/they're not appropriate/not my style. I am aiming for a monochrome grey, white and black majority with a subtle hint of colour with a few patterned pieces to brighten things up a little. I enjoy being able to wear 'everyday' outfits both in and out of the office and given my smart/casual dress code at work achieving a multi-use wardrobe should be possible.

I've noticed a lack of the following items which I feel would be staples:
- a small black handbag
- a grey dress
- a pair of black sandals

And so, the purging begins...

1 comment:

  1. I had something similar when I went through a rough patch and splurged, I regret it just a few weeks later. Now I am donating or reselling what I can and have paired back to the essentials. I feel a lot better now that my minimalism is back on track!
